Bipedal SLIP

April 4th, 2013 MM - strated coding the base model.
April 17th, 2013 MM - model can walk. derived model with "constant leg force" which also can walk.
April 18th, 2013 MM - derived model with lateral angle of attack w.r.t. velocity vector - can walk in circles.
April 23th, 2013 MM - added final triggers and "store" / "load" methods. Started work on analysis tools + viszualization. April 29th, 2013 MM - moved class definitions to SVN July 10th, 2013 MM - renamed and restructured notebook. Tested "unstable" walking pattern - created animation


Step 1: run the simulation
Step 2: create the animation
Step 3: show the animation


  • add a possibility to inject energy.
    Approach: Add two additional events:

    • vy = 0 in single support
    • vy = 0 in double support

    At every event, a function updateparams(ss|ds) is called.

This notebooks aims at implementing the bipedal SLIP model for walking.
Use of this model as running SLIP is not intended because of different Poincare-Sections.

When finalized, a module will be composed out of this notebook for further use in other notebooks.


  • dopri integrator from Shai ("libshai")
  • "msave" and "mload" from

Model description

informal description

This model consists of two massless legs, attached to a point mass.


The Poincare-Section is defined as take-off of the trailing leg

parameter layout

Model parameters have the following structure:

param .foot1 (1x3 array) location of foot 1 .foot2 (1x3 array) location of foot 2 .m (float) mass .g (1x3 array) vector of gravity .lp1 (3x float) list of leg parameters for leg 1 for SLIP: [l0, k, alpha, beta] (may be overwritten in derived models) .lp2 (3x float) list of leg parameters for leg 2

Step 1: run the simulation, and output the result as figure


This model can walk stably in 3D when lateral leg placement angles are antisymmetric.
It can also walk in circles when there is a difference in the magnitude of angles.
Also, asymmetric leg configurations do work (see example configuration).

In [26]:
from models import bslip
from pylab import pi
p = { 'foot1' : [0, 0, 0],
     'foot2' : [-.5, 0, 0],
     'm' : 80,
     'g' : [0, -9.81, 0],
     'lp1' : [13100, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, -0.05],  # leg params: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
     'lp2' : [12900, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, 0.1],
IC = [0, .98, 0, 1.1, 0.01, 0.] # x,y,z, x',y',z'

# reload(bslip)    
c = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(p, IC)

In [27]:
# run the model as often as you want (repeat this cell!)
for rep in range(30):
    _ = c.do_step()

In [28]:
_ = bslip.vis_sim(c)

In [29]:
tfin = 0
for ts, td, fs, fd in zip(c.t_ss_seq, c.t_ds_seq, c.forces_ss_seq, c.forces_ds_seq):
    plot(ts + tfin,fs[:, 0],'r--')
    plot(ts + tfin,fs[:, 1],'g--')
    plot(ts + tfin,fs[:, 2],'b--')
    plot(td + tfin,fd[:, 0],'r.-')
    plot(td + tfin,fd[:, 1],'g.-')
    plot(td + tfin,fd[:, 2],'b.-')
title('forces of leg 1')
xlabel('time [s]')
ylabel('force [N]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x58dae50>

Derived model: bipedal walking model with constant leg force

NOTE so far, no stable periodic solution was found!

In [30]:
# provide a set of parameters
from pylab import pi
p = { 'foot1' : [0, 0, 0],
     'foot2' : [-.5, 0, 0],
     'm' : 80,
     'g' : [0, -9.81, 0],
     'lp1' : [13000, 1, 65.5 * pi / 180, 0.],  # leg params: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
     'lp2' : [13000, 1, 65.5 * pi / 180, 0.],
IC = [0, .99, 0, .825, 0, 0.] # x,y,z, x',y',z'

frc = 550

class cfSLIP(bslip.BSLIP):
    """ class derived from BSLIP
    give a constant leg force
    def __init__(self,params=None, IC=None):
        super(cfSLIP, self).__init__(params,IC)
        self.dt = .01
    def legfunc2(self, t, y, pars):
        leg function of leg 2: a spring function
            t (float): time (ignored)
            y (6x float): CoM state [position, velocity]
            pars (dict): parameters of the model. Must include 
                'foot1' (3x float) foot1 position
                'lp1' (4x float) parameters of leg 1

            f (float): the axial leg force  ["f = k * (l - l0)"]

        NOTE: Overwrite this function to get different models.
              The signature must not change.
        l2 = norm(array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot2']))
        f = -pars['lp2'][0] * (l2 - pars['lp2'][1])
        if f > 10:
            return frc
            return f
    def legfunc1(self, t, y, pars):
        leg function of leg 2: a spring function
            t (float): time (ignored)
            y (6x float): CoM state [position, velocity]
            pars (dict): parameters of the model. Must include 
                'foot1' (3x float) foot1 position
                'lp1' (4x float) parameters of leg 1

            f (float): the axial leg force  ["f = k * (l - l0)"]

        NOTE: Overwrite this function to get different models.
              The signature must not change.
        l2 = norm(array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot1']))
        f = -pars['lp1'][0] * (l2 - pars['lp1'][1])
        if f > 10:
            return frc
            return f

b = cfSLIP(params=p, IC=IC)
for rep in range(4):
    _ = b.do_step()

SimulationError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-d49f36328395> in <module>()
     75 b = cfSLIP(params=p, IC=IC)
     76 for rep in range(4):
---> 77     _ = b.do_step()

/qnap/py_lib/models/ in do_step(self)
    495         if self.failed:
--> 496             raise SimulationError(self.ErrMsg)
    498         return t, y, t2, y2

SimulationError: initial vertical velocity < 0: single stance apex cannot be reached!

Step 2: visualize walking SLIP

Assumes that simulation results are given as "BSLIP object" named "c"
Otherwise, the simulation can be re-run

HINT: if you have only a stored BSLIP object, create a new one and use its "restore" method.


definition of visualization object:

  • The init method calls

    • set_model
    • init_figure
    • ...

    and stores the resulting visobjects in a list which will be updated.

  • The call method refers to update_frame

definition of the "visobject" class

  • The init method gets

    • a list of data points to describe the objects (e.g. points to describe a line)
    • a type description
    • a properties dictionary
  • provides the update() method which updates the object according to given datapoints. Note: update takes keywords and maps to self.dict (!)

  • provides the draw() method which draws the specified object according to recent data.

In [31]:
class visobject(object):
    """ contains a visualizeable object """
    def __init__(self, ax, data, props):
        Creates the visualizeable object with given properties, including
        lines and patches.
            ax (axes3D): the axes object to attach the drawing to
            data (ndarray): data points describing the object.            
            props: set self.props to props (will be evaluated in draw)
        """ = data
        self.props = props = ax
    def update(self, **kwargs):
    def draw(self, frame):
        """ must not be reached - must be overwritten """
        raise NotImplementedError("Overwrite the draw method!")

class vline(visobject):
    creates a vertical dashed line on a 2D axis object
    def __init__(self, ax, data=None, props=None):
        initialize the vline object

            ax: axes (2D) object
            data (any): ingnored, for interface compatibility
            props (any): ingnored, for interface compatibility
        super(vline, self).__init__(ax, data, props)
        self.line =[], [], 'k--')[0]
    def draw(self, frame, aframe):
        updates the vertical dashed line position to animframe.sim_time
        self.line.set_data([aframe.sim_time, aframe.sim_time],
def rotation_matrix(rotaxis, theta):
    returns a matrix that rotates vectors aroud "rotaxis" by theta.
    Uses the Euler-Rodrigues formula.
    This code was copied from
    *Note:* This is comparatively slow. Checkout e.g. scipy.weave for 
    speedup (cf also sourceforce)

        rotaxis (3x float): axis to rotate around
        theta (float): angle in radians to rotate

        rotmat [3x3 float]: rotation matrix
    rotaxis = rotaxis/norm(rotaxis)
    a = cos(theta / 2.)
    b, c, d = -rotaxis * sin(theta / 2.)
    return array([[a*a+b*b-c*c-d*d, 2*(b*c-a*d), 2*(b*d+a*c)],
                     [2*(b*c+a*d), a*a+c*c-b*b-d*d, 2*(c*d-a*b)],
                     [2*(b*d-a*c), 2*(c*d+a*b), a*a+d*d-b*b-c*c]])        
def get_2orth(vec):
    get two unit vectors orthogonal to vec
        vec (3x float): vector to find orthogonal vectors to

        [v1, v2]: two vectors (3x float) which are orthogonal to vec.

        * This routine is robust in the sense that it works equally
          well for all vectors vec.
        * It is guaranteed that similar vectors yield similar
          results (results are not unique!)
        * It is also guaranteed that [vec, v1, v2] build a right-hand
          coordinate system
    uvec = array(vec).squeeze() / norm(array(vec).squeeze())
    # test if uvec and x-axis are aligned:
    if abs(uvec[0]) > .9999:
        # closely aligned to x axis 
        # basically, return [0, 1, 0] and [0, 0, 1] (slightly adjusted)
        y2 = -cross(array([0, 0, 1]), uvec)
        y2 /= norm(y2)
        z2 = cross(y2, uvec) # should actually have unit norm
        z2 /= norm(z2)
    #elif uvec[0] < .9999:
    #    # closely aligned to (negative) x axis 
    #    # basically, return [0, -1, 0] and [0, 0, 1] (slightly adjusted)
    #    y2 = array([0, 1, 0])
        # uvec and [1, 0, 0] span a plane. rotate y- and z axes accordingly.
        #uperp: unit vector in plane, perpendicular to x-axis        
        xaxis = array([1, 0, 0])
        uperp = uvec.copy()
        uperp[0] = 0
        uperp = uperp / norm(uperp)
        rotaxis = cross(xaxis, uperp)
        rotangle = arccos(uvec[0])
        rm = rotation_matrix(rotaxis, rotangle)
        y2 = dot(rm, [0, 1, 0])
        z2 = dot(rm, [0, 0, 1])
    return y2, z2
    # alternatively, this could be nicely done using linear algebra.
    # However, this does not yield a smooth function!
    #proj = outer(uvec, uvec)
    #u,s,v = svd(eye(3) - proj)
    #if dot(cross(uvec, v[0,:]), v[1, :]) < 0:
    #    v[1, :] *= -1
    #return v[0, :], v[1, :]
class SLIPleg_vis(visobject):
    def __init__(self, ax, data, props):
        Creates the visualization of a SLIP leg.

            ax: axes_3d object
            data (list):  Data has the following format:
                data[frame][0] : hip position in 3D
                data[frame][1] : toe position in 3D
            props: (type to be defined) self.props (used by self.draw)

        super(SLIPleg_vis, self).__init__(ax, data, props)

        phi = linspace(0,pi,60)
        theta = linspace(0, 2*pi*6, 60)
        r = .033
        l0 = 1
        self.raw_x = linspace(0, l0, 100)
        self.raw_y = hstack([[0, ] * 20, sin(phi) * sin(theta) * r, [0, ] * 20])
        self.raw_z = hstack([[0, ] * 20, sin(phi) * cos(theta) * r, [0, ] * 20])
        self.color = 'r'
        self.line =[], [], [], color=self.color)[0]
        #self.line = ax.plot_3D()
    def draw(self, frame, aframe=None):
        Updates the SLIP leg position according to the data stored in, at frame 'frame.

            frame (integer): the frame number to plot
            aframe (animframe object): ignored here

            self.line (Line3D): The line object (for passing e.g. to animations)
        *NOTE* this does not perform the drawing process - call 'draw()' separately!
        hip =[frame][0]
        toe =[frame][1]
        x = self.raw_x
        y = self.raw_y
        z = self.raw_z
        leg = array(hip) - array(toe)
        v1 = array(leg).squeeze()
        v2, v3 = get_2orth(leg)
        tmat = vstack([v1, v2, v3]).T
        data_3d = dot(tmat, vstack([self.raw_x, self.raw_y, self.raw_z])).T
        data_3d += array(toe)
        self.line.set_data(data_3d[:,0], data_3d[:,1])
        self.line.set_3d_properties(data_3d[:, 2])
        return self.line
class CoM_vis(visobject):
    def __init__(self, ax, data, props):
        Creates the visualization of a SLIP CoM.

            ax: axes_3d object
            data (list):  Data has the following format:
                data[frame]: CoM position in 3D              
            props: (type to be defined) self.props (used by self.draw)

        *NOTE* because of a lack of my skills with matplotlib, this object
        is RECREATED every frame!
        super(CoM_vis, self).__init__(ax, data, props)
        #self.r = .05
        u = linspace(0, 2 * pi, 100) # spherical coordinates
        v = linspace(0, pi, 100,)
        r = .06
        self.x_pos_raw = r * outer(cos(u), sin(v))
        self.y_pos_raw = r * outer(sin(u), sin(v))
        self.z_pos_raw = r * outer(ones(size(u)), cos(v)) =, self.y_pos_raw, self.z_pos_raw,  
            rstride=5, cstride=5, color='r', shade=True, linewidth=0)

    def draw(self, frame, aframe=None):
        Updates the CoM position according to the data stored in, at frame 'frame'.

            frame (integer): the frame number to plot
            aframe (animframe object): ignored here

            self.line (Line3D): The line object (for passing e.g. to animations)
        *NOTE* this does not perform the drawing process - call 'draw()' separately!
        xpos = self.x_pos_raw +[frame][0]
        ypos = self.y_pos_raw +[frame][1]
        zpos = self.z_pos_raw +[frame][2]        =, ypos, zpos,  
            rstride=5, cstride=5, color='r', shade=True, linewidth=0)

In [32]:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D

class animframe(object):
    object that contains every element for the walking SLIP animation
    def __init__(self,figsize=(12,6.75)):
        self.fig = figure(figsize=figsize)
        self.ax_3d = self.fig.add_axes([0, 0, .8, 1], projection='3d')
        self.daxes = [] # collection of data axes = [0, 0] # center, e.g. CoM position
        self.sim_time = 0
        self.vobjects = []
    def create_data_axes(self):
        creates all the nice axes at the right.
        self.daxes = []
        ax = self.fig.add_axes([.8,0.6,.2,.4], frameon=False)
        ax.set_title('forces of leg 1')
        ax = self.fig.add_axes([.8,0.05,.2,.4], frameon=False)
        ax.set_title('forces of leg 2')
    def add(self, vobject):
        adds a visualizeable object 
        (e.g., a leg)
        to the anim frame
    def draw(self, framenr, centerdata = None, timedata = None, **kwargs):
        if centerdata is not None:            
   = centerdata[framenr]
        if timedata is not None:           
            self.sim_time = timedata[framenr]        
        for elem in self.vobjects:
            elem.draw(framenr, self)
        self.ax_3d.set_xlim3d([[0] - 1,[0] + 1])
        self.ax_3d.set_ylim3d([[1] - 1,[1] + 1])
        self.ax_3d.set_zlim3d([0, 1.6])
        for ax in self.daxes:
            ax.set_xlim(self.sim_time - 1, self.sim_time + 1)
    def elements(self):
        return tuple(self.vobjects)

Here - run the simulation.

Skip this cell if you already have a BSLIP object called "c"

In [104]:
from pylab import pi
p = { 'foot1' : [0, 0, 0],
     'foot2' : [-.5, 0, 0],
     'm' : 80,
     'g' : [0, -9.81, 0],
     'lp1' : [13100, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, -0.05],  # leg params: stiffness, l0, alpha, beta
     'lp2' : [12900, 1, 68.5 * pi / 180, 0.1],
IC = [0, .98, 0, 1.1, 0.01, 0.] # x,y,z, x',y',z'

c = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(p, IC)
# run the model as often as you want (repeat this cell!)
for rep in range(30):
    _ = c.do_step()
for rep in range(30):
    _ = c.do_step()

In [33]:
# map simulation data to "animation" data

# step 1: create continous CoM data
all_t = hstack([hstack([ts[1:], td[1:]]) for ts, td in zip (c.t_ss_seq, c.t_ds_seq)])
all_y = vstack([vstack([ys[1:, :],  yd[1:, :]]) for ys, yd in zip (c.y_ss_seq, c.y_ds_seq)])
all_f = vstack([vstack([fs[1:, :],  fd[1:, :]]) for fs, fd in zip (c.forces_ss_seq, c.forces_ds_seq)])

# step 2: create continous feet position data
footpos1 = zeros((all_t.shape[0], 3))
footpos2 = zeros((all_t.shape[0], 3))

k1, l01, alpha1, beta1 = c.params['lp1'][:4]
k2, l02, alpha2, beta2 = c.params['lp2'][:4]

idx = 0
odd = True # simulation start with leg1 on ground
for nr in arange(len(c.t_ss_seq)):
    n_s = len(c.t_ss_seq[nr]) - 1 # number of frames for single-stance
    n_d = len(c.t_ds_seq[nr]) - 1
    if odd: # leg1 on ground at beginning
        # single stance
        footpos1[idx:idx + n_s, :] = c.feet1_seq[nr]
        vx, vz = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 3], all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 5]        
        a_v_com = -arctan2(vz, vx)
        xf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 0] + l02 * cos(alpha2) * cos(beta2 + a_v_com)
        yf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 1] - l02 * sin(alpha2)
        zf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 2] - l02 * cos(alpha2) * sin(beta2 + a_v_com)
        footpos2[idx:idx + n_s,: ] = vstack([xf, yf, zf]).T
        # double stance
        footpos1[idx + n_s:idx + n_s + n_d, :]  = c.feet1_seq[nr]
        footpos2[idx + n_s:idx + n_s + n_d, :]  = c.feet2_seq[nr + 1]
        odd = False
        # single stance of leg2
        footpos2[idx:idx + n_s, :] = c.feet2_seq[nr]

        vx, vz = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 3], all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 5]        
        a_v_com = -arctan2(vz, vx)
        xf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 0] + l01 * cos(alpha1) * cos(beta1 + a_v_com)
        yf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 1] - l01 * sin(alpha1)
        zf = all_y[idx:idx + n_s, 2] - l01 * cos(alpha1) * sin(beta1 + a_v_com)
        footpos1[idx:idx + n_s,: ] = vstack([xf, yf, zf]).T
        # double stance
        footpos2[idx + n_s:idx + n_s + n_d, :]  = c.feet2_seq[nr]
        footpos1[idx + n_s:idx + n_s + n_d, :]  = c.feet1_seq[nr + 1]        
        odd = True
    idx += n_s + n_d

In [34]:
# linearly interpolate data

t_sim = arange(0, all_t[-1], .02)
y_sim = vstack([interp(t_sim, all_t, all_y[:, col]) for col in range(all_y.shape[1])]).T
f1_sim = vstack([interp(t_sim, all_t, footpos1[:, col]) for col in range(footpos1.shape[1])]).T
f2_sim = vstack([interp(t_sim, all_t, footpos2[:, col]) for col in range(footpos2.shape[1])]).T
forces_sim = vstack([interp(t_sim, all_t, all_f[:, col]) for col in range(all_f.shape[1])]).T

In [35]:
vis_coord = array([2,0,1])
# CoM and foot position data in a format required for the visobjects
c_data = y_sim[:,vis_coord]
f1_data = [ (y, f) for y, f in zip(y_sim[:, vis_coord], f1_sim[:, vis_coord])]
f2_data = [ (y, f) for y, f in zip(y_sim[:, vis_coord], f2_sim[:, vis_coord])]

a = animframe()
SL1 = SLIPleg_vis(a.ax_3d, f1_data, None)
SL2 = SLIPleg_vis(a.ax_3d, f2_data, None)
CoM = CoM_vis(a.ax_3d, c_data, None)

# create force plots
VL1 = vline(ax = a.daxes[0])
VL2 = vline(ax = a.daxes[1])
a.daxes[0].plot(t_sim, forces_sim[:, :3])
a.daxes[1].plot(t_sim, forces_sim[:, 3:]) = c_data[10]
#a.sim_time = t_sim[10]

# plot feet positions
for x,y,z in c.feet1_seq:
    a.ax_3d.plot3D([z, ], [x, ], [0, ], 'rd')

for x,y,z in c.feet2_seq:
    a.ax_3d.plot3D([z, ], [x, ], [0, ], 'gd')
a.draw(10, c_data, t_sim)

print a.daxes[0].get_xlim()
print a.daxes[1].get_xlim()

(-0.80000000000000004, 1.2)
(-0.80000000000000004, 1.2)

Create the output


  • this just works fine (run the cell)


  • you have to modify the cell
  • to increase quality: set clear_temp to False, and:
  • in a shell, do (e.g.):
  • "avconv -y -r 20 -f image2 -i _tmp%04d.png -vb 600k bslip.ogg"
  • and finally remove the temporary files: "rm _tmp*.png"

In [36]:
# do the animation!
from matplotlib import animation

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(a.fig, a.draw, frames=len(c_data), interval=20, fargs=(c_data, t_sim ))

# save the animation as an mp4.  This requires ffmpeg or mencoder to be
# installed.  The extra_args ensure that the x264 codec is used, so that
# the video can be embedded in html5.  You may need to adjust this for
# your system: for more information, see
#'walking_SLIP.mp4', fps=25, codec='libx264', clear_temp=True, ) #extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264']) # for other ipython versions

# to increase quality: set clear_temp to False, and:
# in a shell, do (e.g.): 
#"avconv -y -r 20 -f image2 -i _tmp%04d.png  -vb 600k bslip.ogg"

Step 3: show the animation


In [37]:
# display the video inline!
# note: this needs a recent browser... with HTML5 and the option of OGG-video playback
from IPython.core.display import HTML
video = open('walking_SLIP.ogg', 'rb').read()
video_encoded = video.encode('base64') # encode the video in HTML-conform style
video_tag = ('<video controls type="video/ogg" '
             + 'alt="VPP walking model" src="data:video/ogg;base64,{0}">').format(video_encoded)
HTML(data = video_tag)

IOError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-37-dfc9f56fa1e9> in <module>()
      2 # note: this needs a recent browser... with HTML5 and the option of OGG-video playback
      3 from IPython.core.display import HTML
----> 4 video = open('walking_SLIP.ogg', 'rb').read()
      5 video_encoded = video.encode('base64') # encode the video in HTML-conform style
      6 video_tag = ('<video controls type="video/ogg" '

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'walking_SLIP.ogg'

In [24]:
# video_encoded


In [ ]: